<p>This category covers the victims of the 2023 Turkey earthquakes.<br></p>


Other Children in This Category:


Enes D.

13 Years Old

Earthquake Survivor and Can't Afford The Living Expenses

Enes was living with his family in their one-story house in Topraktepe village of Doğanşehir district of Malatya. With the second big earthquake that happened after the first earthquake of 7.6 magnitudes, their house collapsed and Enes' mother and father were stuck under the debris.

Enes and his brothers managed to escape from the house during the earthquake. With the help of other earthquake victims in the area, they successfully rescued Enes' parents from the rubble.

Many items (stationery, clothing, etc.) that Enes and his family needed were left under the rubble and they had to move to Duzce district.

The family is experiencing financial difficulties due to the unemployment situation that was followed by the quake.

Click here to support the education expenses of Enes and his siblings and the livelihood of his family.

Sponsorship Fee 750,00