This category includes the children, who are not financially provided about fundamental needs such as food, housing, clothing and hygen.


Other Children in This Category:


Mehmet A.

10 Years Old

Would You Like to Support Mehmet's Education, a Talented Student?

Mehmet is a 10-year-old student in the 4th grade at Kadirli Borsa Istanbul Primary School, located in the Kadirli district of Osmaniye, an area affected by recent earthquakes. The home they rent suffered minor damage in the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes, further complicating an already challenging living situation. Mehmet is the eldest of three siblings, with his younger siblings still in preschool. His father works for minimum wage at a textile factory, while his mother does not work.

Mehmet is an exceptionally successful student and is preparing for entrance exams to gain a scholarship at private schools. However, with the rising inflation in our country in recent years, the cost of additional study materials, school supplies, and other educational expenses has become increasingly difficult to manage for a family living on a single income. Therefore, Mehmet needs support to cover his book and school-related needs.

Sponsorship Fee 750,00